RISE Joins Green Industry in Supporting Regan and Vilsack to be Confirmed for Biden Administration


For more information, contact:

Karie Evans, RISE communications manager
Cell 202-738-2525

(ARLINGTON, Va., Jan. 29, 2021) – RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment®) joins nine green industry organizations supporting the United States Senate confirmations of both Michael Regan, as the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and The Honorable Thomas Vilsack, as the Secretary of Agriculture. Confirmation hearings for both nominees are scheduled for next week.

“Part of welcoming any new administration is ensuring that it understands the role of the green industry. We value the opportunity to come together with nine of our partner organizations to share information about the benefits of our work to the nation’s public health and safety, infrastructure, natural resources and green spaces,” said Megan Provost, RISE president.

“We are working collectively to ensure that EPA and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) know to utilize green industry organizations as a resource and partner in their work. Working together with our partner organizations is key in demonstrating the mission of the green industry to the new administration,” Provost continued.

In the letter supporting Regan’s confirmation, RISE and its allies note that while serving as Secretary of North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality, he built a reputation for making decisions guided by science and stakeholder input. The group’s letter urged the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works to promptly confirm Regan to ensure the EPA continues its mission of protecting public health and the environment.

RISE also supports the confirmation of Vilsack to the position of Secretary of Agriculture due to his commitment to conservation and protecting our natural resources. The letter supporting Vilsack notes that confirming him will also ensure the USDA continues its vital mission without interruption.

The confirmation hearings for these two key positions in the Biden Administration at EPA and USDA have been set for early next week. The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works is scheduled to have a hearing to consider Secretary Regan for EPA Administrator on Wednesday, Feb. 3, at 2 p.m. ET. The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry has scheduled a hearing to consider Secretary Vilsack for Secretary of Agriculture on Tuesday, Feb. 2, at 10:30 a.m. ET.

About RISE

RISE is the national trade association representing manufacturers, formulators, distributors and other industry leaders in the specialty pesticide and fertilizer industry. Visit the RISE website at www.pestfacts.org for more information.